Democratic Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo
In the DRC, Putting Survivors at the Center activities are directed by the Women for Women International country team as well as their local partner organization, RIO (Réseau d'Innovation Organisationnelle). Our findings in the DRC highlighted the need for better information on referrals and stronger support to community leaders, who reported frequently receiving spontaneous disclosures of GBV from women and girls in their communities. There was also a desire for more information about supporting survivors with disabilities. The activities taking place in the DRC respond to these specific needs as well as some of the larger thematic findings from the primary research conducted in Phase I of the project.
Activity locations:
- Bukavu
- Kaniola (Walungu)
- Burhinyi (Mwenga)
- Sangya, Nundu, & Swima (Fizi)
- Kabare
Kiliba (Uvira)
Thematic Area | Pilot Program | Activity |
Improved Immediate Handling of Disclosures | Psychosocial First Aid (PFA) and Immediate Support for Survivors |
Connecting to and Supporting Existing Specialist Services | Strengthening survivor-centered care attitudes among GBV service providers |
Strengthening coordination between GBV and non-GBV specialists |
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Strengthening referrals to specialized services |
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Medium to Long-term Support | Provision of psychosocial support |
Technical Advisory Group:
- Association des femmes juristes congolaises (AFEJUCO)
- Women for Equal Chances (WEC Congo)
- Héritiers de la justice
- Centre de réadaptation pour Personnes Handicapées Heri Kwetu (CRPHK)
- Fondation Panzi RDC
- Action pour la promotion de l’entreprenariat féminin (APEF)
- World Vision
- Association des femmes des media (AFEM)
- Alert International
- The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)