Our Pilots
Our Pilots

Our Pilots


Over the course of Phase I of the Putting Survivors at the Center project, the Global Women’s Institute (GWI) and its partner, Women for Women International (WfWI) focused on a variety of activities to lay a strong foundation for the project. 



illustration of three women conducting research


  • Consultative Workshops
  • Conducting baseline study
  • Staff Training
research engaged with survivors


  • Kick-Off Workshop
  • Community Workshops
  • Information dissemination
women forming partnerships


  • Establishing and meeting with Technical Advisory Groups and Pilot Partners



dark blue horiztonal line

Pilot Programs

From these activities, data was collected on the challenges and barriers preventing survivors from accessing specialized Gender Based Violence (GBV) services in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Bukavu), Iraqi Kurdistan (Erbil) and Iraq (Mosul), and South Sudan (Yei County). Data was also collected on the recommendations for facilitating survivors’ access to GBV-specialized services. This data is the foundation of the program models that were developed and are currently being piloted during Phase II of the project.