South Sudan

South Sudan

In South Sudan, Putting Survivors at the Center activities are implemented by the Women for Women International as well as their local partner organization, ARDI (Agency for Research and Development Initiative). The activities taking place in South Sudan support WfWI’s special role as the co-lead of the local GBV cluster in Yei County. Findings from the formative research conducted during Phase I of the project also revealed a need for awareness raising on the referral pathways and importantly, how to properly refer survivors without jeopardizing confidentiality, all of which was validated by the local technical advisory group to this project. This was an especially keen need among community leaders, who frequently field spontaneous disclosures of GBV. The activities taking place in South Sudan respond to these specific needs as well as some of the larger thematic findings from the formative research phase.


Activity Locations:

  • Yei River County, Central Equatoria State
  • Morobo County, Central Equatoria State


Thematic Area

Pilot Program


   Improved Immediate Handling of DisclosuresPsychosocial First Aid (PFA) & Immediate Support for Survivors
  • “Handling Disclosures & Safe Referrals” training for WfWI and ARDI frontline and support staff, & community leaders
   Connecting to and Supporting Existing Specialist ServicesStrengthening coordination between GBV & non-GBV specialists
  • Conduct comprehensive service mapping and support updating & sharing of the Yei referral pathway
  • Conduct internal assessment of function & quality of existing GBV services
  • Organize & lead facilitated discussions bringing together specialists & non-GBV specialists
  • Develop/update referral pathways relative to Health & Nutrition services
    Medium to Long-term SupportStrengthening referrals to specialized services
  • Training community leaders on handling disclosures and safe referrals
  • Raise awareness of GBV services & reduce stigma about accessing services within Nutrition & Health sector

 Technical Advisory Group

  • South Sudan
  • Center for Inclusive Governance, Peace and Justice-CIGPJ
  • Commission for Refugees Affair-CRA
  • Women For Change-WFC
  • Community Organization for Education and Development-COED
  • Voice For Change-VFC
  • SALT
  • NewPass